Monday, April 19, 2010

6 Biggest Mistakes Buyers Make, Only 3 of Them Are True!

CNNMoney has an article online about the 6 biggest mistakes buyers make. I agree with the titles of all of them, but the reasons they give do not prove to be true, at least based on Oregon real estate law, and the National Association of Realtors ethics. Here's the list, click here to read a few paragraphs on each one.
1. Not knowing your credit score- You'll need this before you even start to look at homes, if it's too low to get a good loan, you can bring it up with some smart changes to your spending and bill paying habits.
2. Buying a car before a house- This is true of about a year before you buy, and all the way up until you have the keys! If you buy a car now, and don't plan on buying a home for a few years, paying it off or making your payments on time will really increase your credit score.
3. Skimping on home inspection- Always, always, always get a home inspection by a licensed inspector, contractors don't look for the same things as inspectors, and sellers will not do repairs unless a reputable source calls for them.
4. No lawyer- The article claims that buyers agents are out to close any deal, even if it's not right for the buyer, so you better hire a real estate attorney to cover your butt. Hiring an attorney is always a good idea, especially if things start to go sideways. But, Realtors in general work off of referrals, as in if I screw you over you won't recommend me to anyone, and my business will die out and I will be done. And in debt. Most people get attached to their clients, and really just want to see them get into the prefect house for as little money as possible. We are in a service business, and nothing makes me happier than serving my clients well.
5. No contingencies- The article makes it seem as if buyers aren't writing the offer and setting the terms, which they do. In Oregon the real estate contract to purchase is 8 pages protecting both sides, and even more protections can be put in and often are. Ask your agent the worst case scenario when writing an  offer up.
6. Not budgeting for insurance- Basic home owners insurance is covered in your monthly mortgage payment. It has to be set up before you can close on your new home. If you want extras, talk to your insurance agent, and you can always make it more inclusive later on.

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